“Empowerment extends productivity beyond the organisational skills and knowledge of one person; it is the art of enabling others to take action.” – Paul J Meyer
If you are the leader of a team you are well aware of how much of your time can be taken up by tasks to do with training and mentoring your team members. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in the day in which to dedicate to your workload, your team’s development and strategic planning equally. It will often happen that the first thing to fall by the wayside will be the development of others under your management.
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While you are not alone in this phenomenon, it can become a serious problem if not given proper attention.
There are many reasons or excuses that supervisors and team leaders can use to account for their avoidance around empowering their team members. Unfortunately, these excuses can negatively affect how your team progresses and develop as a unit, and as individuals. Leaders must be aware of the various factors that can come into play when your dedication to empower your team falters.
- Fear of losing authority
Sometimes the hardest fears to overcome are the ones we create ourselves. Some team members may view delegation or empowerment as a sign they are prepared to give away their authority very easily. Our own sense of how much power we wield can cause us to hold onto what we have for fear of losing it, or to prevent others from perceiving a weakness in us. In reality, delegation or empowerment is a definite sign of strength in a leader. Effective empowerment can assist the leader, team member and organisation in different but equally beneficial ways.
- Lack of time
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It can be a conundrum for any leader. You have work that needs to be done but you don’t feel you have the time to delegate effectively to get it done the way you want or need it to be. While you shouldn’t delegate just for the sake of delegating, it’s important you recognise the instances when you can delegate to members of your team for their development and to ease your own workload. Tackle the issue as a win-win situation and approach it with an entirely positive attitude. Try not to focus on the time it will take away from your other duties, instead see it as a hugely beneficial act that will provide you with more time.
- Ineffective goal setting
Setting a goal to become a more empowering and supportive leader will enable you to overcome many of the barriers standing in your way to empowering others and delegating effectively. When you can see and accept that developing your leadership potential empowers those around you and yourself, you can see it as the win-win scenario that it is. By demonstrating trust in your team, confidence in their own abilities and develop potential will also improve. As a result, your team’s morale will also improve, ensuring an overall improvement in performance and productivity as well.
Share your tips on how to remain dedicated to empowering your team with us!
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